Feb 4, 2014 | Philippines
Dedicated to our Missions Trip to Cebu, Philippines to Visit Edgar and Edna Bantigue and the Christ Faith Fellowship family. This morning we were blessed to have breakfast with Edgar, Edna, Giovanni and Johnathan. Nate had eggs, pancakes, potatoes, sticky rice and...
Feb 4, 2014 | Philippines
At the speed of light the innocent looking van from the hotel breaks traction with ground contact as the driver brings us a new reality to stunt driving. Passing cars on blind corners, dodging pedestrians as though they were part of the obstacle course. Half way...
Feb 4, 2014 | Philippines
Have you ever been to an indoor swimming pool? If not come to the Philippines. The air is dense, hot and carries with it busyness. Busyness that is found in the city; the ones that never sleep. Stepping off the plane there became the instant awareness that comes...
Feb 4, 2014 | Philippines
It is amazing to have left SFO only 12 hours ago but as I type this we are watching the sun set on Tuesday here. Where did Tuesday go? I’ll tell you what…the rump is sore. That is a long flight! We had sweet goodbyes with Starlyn and the other kids this morning. We...
Jan 28, 2014 | Philippines
This is a great link to a video by a man who was approached by 20th Century Fox to create a movie trailer for “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”. Click here to see what he did instead.
Jan 28, 2014 | Philippines
We are less than seven days from departure. Funny thing, emotions are; overall I have felt only brief moments of anxiety about this trip. Yet, those brief moments, have been deafening to say the least. This morning I had the epiphany that I would not experience...