Deborah gave me a call telling me that she thought I was to go with her to Iceland.  As soon as she asked, my heart said “YES”!!!!!! It is rare that I get direction from the Lord that quickly.  Now mind you, I’ve NEVER been out of the country.  Actually, the furthest I’ve flow is from Sacramento to Phoenix or from Sacramento to San Diego.  Iceland??  Where is it?  But, I knew that I knew that I was supposed to go.  

Challenged? Yes!  Stretched?  Yes! “You really want me go there Lord?” “Yes!” The Lord said, “I have been preparing you to run the race. So run and see what new things I have been preparing you for.”

I have been very humbled, blessed, and excited about this adventure with the Lord.

He reminded me about the word Dick Mills spoke over me, back in the 1980’s:

 Although he spoke all of Isaiah 42 over me, verses 6-9 really impacted me:

Isa 42:6-9 NASB  “I am the LORD, I have called You in righteousness, I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You, And I will appoint You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the nations,  (7)  To open blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from the dungeon And those who dwell in darkness from the prison.  (8)  “I am the LORD, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images.  (9)  “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”

Though I have known that I am a seer, this verse somehow activated that in me and this gift from God has been developing and growing since that word.  I am excited to see how I am going to be changed on this trip–good change; amazing change!


 In prayer we have received some glimpses–sometimes vague–of what He wants us to do while in Iceland.  We know that we will be led into prophetic acts (with the Shofar, with song, with prayer–whatever).  We both have the feeling that some of these prophetic acts will be on mountain tops, at churches, the continental divide and a volcano (woohoo!).

One time when we were praying together, we both saw a man–middle aged or older, roundish face and either short hair or balding.  We had the impression that we were going to meet him either at the airport or on the plane.  This man would prove to be a ‘divine appointment’ and have some impact on our trip.  

Kevin, Stephany’s husband, said that we were going into uncharted waters. He went on to say that we would  meet someone AT THE BEGINNING of the trip that will be a direct contact.  This man would understand us and we would understand him (Spiritually). He would be like a director or kind of a spiritual tour guide. (In the Holy Spirit, of course.) Not that he would be traveling with us, but he would be speaking to us about the territory of Iceland.  Needless to say, Stephany never told Kevin about our vision of ‘the man’.

I (Deborah) also saw a woman that I felt we would spend some time talking with and perhaps be invited for a meal.  The other night when being prayed for by some friends (the Sponsler’s), Seth said that he saw a young woman with brown hair that he thought was a waitress and that we would minister to her.   No clue if this is the same woman…we will see!!

Other things spoken to us and confirmed by others: 

Arron McKenzie told me that “There’s an ancient thing, a revelation of my roots, in Iceland.  A puzzle piece will come to me from Iceland”.  Then Stephany’s neighbor told her that we would find some of our heritage there.  Another friend (Stephanie Meier)told me that there was a missing puzzle piece that we would find in Iceland.  NOPE, none of these folks talked to each other; they just all talk to God!  God is amazing!!

Many times we have been told about being covered in great peace, joy (LOTS of joy and FUN) and the anointing.  Twice we were told that the anointing on our lives will attract people to us.  That there would be an invisible radius of God’s glory reaching out 20-30 feet.  This would draw people to us and some would follow us as though we were like a pied piper!!  

We have seen in the spirit and have had at least 2 other people tells us that there will be heavenly portals opened, such as is seen in the Biblical account of Jacob’s Ladder.  

Many have seen the Glory of the Lord cover the globe from the Northern place of Iceland on down.  This is an amazing vision which Stephany and I have both seen as well, so this is a great confirmation of what God is going to do.  The wells of salvation will be re-dug;  many spiritual walls will come down and there will be a reviving of the hearts of many.  Isn’t this amazing??!!!  Look at how God can use 2 simple people to get His work accomplished!  All it takes is obedience, faith and humility.  Doing what He shows us to do, saying what He leads us to say.  It’s ALL Him!

Stephany:  Deborah and I have been praying and listening. The Lord has had me pray over the map of Iceland for quite a few months. He has given us some direction, of five places, and people we will meet. He has shown Mountain top blasts, Troll stomping, and ice melting down to the nations.

Thank you dear brother Dave, for the melting ice picture which represented the melting of the hearts of the people of Iceland. We did a prophetic act holding an ice cube in our hands, and let it melt. 

Someone said that there would be a shift, shaking and we both have felt that the Lord is telling us there will be signs in the heavens and the earth as we listen and obey–literal shakings and out-of-season events occurring.(I want to see puffins and the Northern Lights!!!)

The Lord gave me the word Super Natural Task Force and the following scripture

Deuteronomy 28:12 The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand.

I have been reading Joshua the last few months, as directed by the Lord

As Joshua enters into the promise land, Caleb was by His side. I know the Lord has put me by Deborah’s side. He needs us both to go. I am still pondering on why me.


WooHoo!!!  We are at the hotel at this time and need to go through ALL this baggage!!  What do you bring to a place that will be cold, wet, snowy, windy, and ?????  EVERYTHING!!!  🙂

Thank you aqll for your prayers!  We will keep you posted as God unravels the Divine Mystery!